Get a Ubuntu EC2 Instance
To get your DoltLab ready host on AWS:
Go to AWS EC2 console and click "Launch instance".
Select a Ubuntu 22.04 amd64 t2.xlarge instance.
Create a new RSA key pair for your instance in
This will create a .pem
file and download it locally.
Edit network settings and from the "Auto-assign public IP" drop-down menu choose "Enable".
Add security group rules for ports 22 (SSH), 80 (HTTP), 443 (HTTPS), 100 (CUSTOM), 4321 (CUSTOM), 50051 (CUSTOM) that allow ingress from anywhere. Specifics here. You also may need to create a new VPC and Subnet here. Just use the defaults.
Add 300GB gp3 disk.
Click "Launch instance".
After this you should get a public IP for your new host. Mine was
SSH to your New Host
Now I need to SSH to this host. I copy the .pem
file I created when I launched the instance to my .ssh
folder, give it appropriate permissions and then I can ssh to my new host.
I'm in!
Now that you have a DoltLab ready host, continue the Getting Started guide
Last updated