Start DoltLab pre-installer

The following describes how to start an older version of DoltLab, <= v2.0.8, that does not contain the installer binary that the latest versions of DoltLab do. These versions of DoltLab use the script included in DoltLab's .zip file.

This script requires the following environment variables to be set in your DoltLab host environment/shell.

Note, the ./ script contains references to some of these environment variables, but not all, as some are referenced elsewhere.

# required
export HOST_IP=<host ip address or domain name>
export DOLT_PASSWORD=<password>
export DOLTHUBAPI_PASSWORD=<password>
export EMAIL_USERNAME=<SMTP email username>
export EMAIL_PASSWORD=<SMTP email password>
export EMAIL_PORT=<STMP email port>
export EMAIL_HOST=<SMTP email host>
export NO_REPLY_EMAIL=<email address used as the "from" address for DoltLab emails>

# required for DoltLab Enterprise

# optional, supported in DoltLab >= v1.0.6
export TLS_CERT_CHAIN=<path to TLS certificate chain>
export TLS_PRIVATE_KEY=<path to TLS private key>

For DoltLab version <= v0.8.4 include export POSTGRES_USER="dolthubapi" and rename DOLT_PASSWORD to POSTGRES_PASSWORD.

HOST_IP, should be the IP address or domain name of the Linux host running DoltLab. DOLT_PASSWORD, and DOLTHUBAPI_PASSWORD may be set to any valid Dolt password. EMAIL_USERNAME, should be a valid username authorized to use existing SMTP server. EMAIL_PASSWORD, should be the password for the aforementioned username of the SMTP server. EMAIL_PORT, port to the existing SMTP server. By default, this is assumed to be a STARTTLS port. To use an implicit TLS port, please follow these steps. EMAIL_HOST, should be the host of the existing SMTP server. NO_REPLY_EMAIL should be the email address that sends DoltLab emails. DOLTLAB_ENTERPRISE_ONLINE_PRODUCT_CODE, used by DoltLab Enterprise only. DOLTLAB_ENTERPRISE_ONLINE_SHARED_KEY, used by DoltLab Enterprise only. DOLTLAB_ENTERPRISE_ONLINE_API_KEY, used by DoltLab Enterprise only. DOLTLAB_ENTERPRISE_ONLINE_LICENSE_KEY, used by DoltLab Enterprise only. DOLTLAB_ENTERPRISE_HARDWARE_ID, use ./get_machine_id binary to get the hardware ID and use the output as this value (DoltLab Enterprise only) TLS_CERT_CHAIN required if running DoltLab >= v1.0.6 with TLS, should be the the absolute path to a TLS certificate chain. TLS_PRIVATE_KEY required if running DoltLab >= v1.0.6 with TLS, should be the the absolute path to a TLS private key.

To use DoltLab with TLS, ensure the certificate is for the HOST_IP of your DoltLab host. We recommend creating a TLS certificate with certbot.

It's import to note that the first time you run ./, DoltLab uses the supplied DOLT_PASSWORD and DOLTHUBAPI_PASSWORD to initialize DoltLab's application database using the following SQL statements:

GRANT ALL ON *.* TO 'dolthubadmin';
GRANT ALL ON dolthubapi.* TO 'dolthubapi';

DoltLab's main API, doltlabapi, will connect to the application database as the dolthubapi SQL user.

Supported SMTP Authentication methods

Starting in DoltLab v0.3.1, admins can use different SMTP authentication protocols to connect to an existing SMTP server. By default, ./ sets the environment variable EMAIL_AUTH_METHOD to plain.

Supported EMAIL_AUTH_METHOD options are plain, login, anonymous, external, oauthbearer, or disable.

plain requires the environment variables EMAIL_USERNAME and EMAIL_PASSWORD to be set and uses the optional environment variable EMAIL_IDENTITY. login requires the environment variables EMAIL_USERNAME and EMAIL_PASSWORD to be set. This is used by Microsoft 365 ( anonymous uses the optional environment variable EMAIL_TRACE. external uses the optional environment variable EMAIL_IDENTITY. oauthbearer requires the environment variables EMAIL_USERNAME and EMAIL_OAUTH_TOKEN to be set. disable will result in an unauthenticated SMTP server connection.

If you are experiencing any SMTP server connection issues (or DoltLab account creation issues) please see the SMTP troubleshooting guide.

Default user admin

Starting with DoltLab v0.4.1, the default user admin is created, when DoltLab's API server starts.

This default user allows DoltLab admins to immediately sign in to DoltLab and begin using the product, even if their DoltLab instance is not successfully connected to an SMTP server.

By default, the ./ script will create a default user DEFAULT_USER=admin with password DEFAULT_USER_PASSWORD=DoltLab1234 and the email address DEFAULT_USER_EMAIL=$NO_REPLY_EMAIL, which gets its value from the supplied NO_REPLY_EMAIL environment variable.

To overwrite these default values, simply change the values of their corresponding environment variables.

Once these variables are set, simply run the script:

./ # runs doltlab on HTTP using docker-compose.yaml in daemon mode

The running DoltLab processes can be viewed with docker ps:

docker ps
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                                                             COMMAND                  CREATED      STATUS      PORTS                                                                                     NAMES
c691644170a0              "docker-entrypoint.s…"   2 hours ago     Up 2 hours               3000/tcp                                                                                                                                                                    doltlab_doltlabui_1
47e6a04d4187   "docker-entrypoint.s…"   2 hours ago     Up 2 hours               9000/tcp                                                                                                                                                                    doltlab_doltlabgraphql_1
6123d50a3306           "/app/go/services/do…"   2 hours ago     Up 2 hours                                                                                                                                                                                           doltlab_doltlabapi_1
85bd6dc8166c        "/app/go/services/do…"   2 hours ago     Up 2 hours     >50051/tcp, :::50051->50051/tcp                                                                                                                               doltlab_doltlabremoteapi_1
cc4000a24ea0       "/app/go/services/fi…"   2 hours ago     Up 2 hours                                                                                                                                                                                           doltlab_doltlabfileserviceapi_1
c1faa01b05ce             "tini -- docker-entr…"   2 hours ago     Up 2 hours               3306/tcp, 33060/tcp                                                                                                                                                         doltlab_doltlabdb_1
9d6826cfb0c3   envoyproxy/envoy-alpine:v1.18-latest                                                    "/docker-entrypoint.…"   2 hours ago     Up 2 hours     >80/tcp, :::80->80/tcp,>100/tcp, :::100->100/tcp,>4321/tcp, :::4321->4321/tcp,>7770/tcp, :::7770->7770/tcp, 10000/tcp   doltlab_doltlabenvoy_1

And navigating to http://${HOST_IP}:80 in a web browser should show the DoltLab homepage.

To run DoltLab with TLS instead run:

./ https # runs doltlab on HTTPS using docker-compose-tls.yaml in daemon mode

And navigating to https://${HOST_IP}:443 in a web browser should show the DoltLab homepage.

Next Steps

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